GoForth Music

Arrangements and original compositions for wind quintet and other chamber ensembles

Since 1986, I have been a member of the Coastal Winds Woodwind Quintet.  During that time I have arranged several pieces from the classical literature for that genre.  Lately, I have begun to branch out to other chamber ensembles.

These arrangements have been based on the original scores published by the composers and have been performed either by the Coastal Winds or other similar groups.  Throughout, I have tried to maintain the original sound intended by the composers while using a small group of players.

I hope you will give these pieces a try and find them enjoyable.

For a better view (and sound) of all these scores, visit me on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=darrell+goforth

Like me on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/goforthmusic?ref=hl

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